Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Chestita Baba Marta!

Every year March 1st marks the holiday of Baba Marta (Grandma March.) Baba Marta is a holiday filled with optimism and anticipation of the spring, fertility, and well-being. In order to celebrate this holiday it is custom on to give friends, family, and colleagues little red and white bracelets called "martenitsa." Although quite simple, martenitsas often include a few small blue beads to make each one unique. The common belief is that by wearing the red and white colours of the martenitsa people ask Baba Marta for mercy in the hope that it will make spring come quicker.

Martenitsas are generally worn until one of three things happen. First, and most common, people take off their martenitsas and tie them to the branch of a fruit tree when the trees begin to bud. This is done to ensure a good harvest for the upcoming season. Next, martenitsas are removed when the first stork of the year is seen flying around town. This one may be a bit more difficult in Colorado as I have never seen a stork flying around Littleton or Boulder but here in Bulgaria they are very common around the entire country. Finally, martenitsas are placed under rocks when spring arrives in order to ensure them good luck and health in the upcoming year.

As you can probably guess, the gifts which I sent to you all are traditional Bulgarian martenitsas. Although they will arrive a little later than is custom, when you receive them tie them onto your wrists until the spring arrives, or if you feel like being risky, until you see the first stork of the year.